Writing charm tests
× Caution! These older versions of Juju documentation are no longer maintained and are provided for reference only. See docs.jujucharms.com for the current, supported documentation.

Writing Charm Tests

Charm authors will have the best insight into whether or not a charm is working properly. It is up to the author to create tests that ensure quality and compatibility with other charms.

The purpose of tests

The intention of charm tests is to assert that the charm works well on the intended platform and performs the expected configuration steps. Examples of things to test in each charm is:

  • After install, expose, and adding of required relations, the application is running correctly (such as listening on the intended ports).
  • Adding, removing, and re-adding a relation should work without error.
  • Setting configuration values should result in a change reflected in the application's operation or configuration.

Where to put tests

The charm directory should contain a sub-directory named 'tests'. This directory will be scanned by a test runner for executable files. The executable files will be run in lexical order by the test runner, with a default Juju model. The tests can make the following assumptions:

  • A minimal install of the release of Ubuntu which the charm is targeted at will be available.
  • A version of Juju is installed and available in the system path.
  • A Juju model with no applications deployed inside it is already bootstrapped, and will be the default for command line usage.
  • The CWD is the tests directory off the charm root.
  • Full access to other public charms will be available to build a solution of your choice.
  • Tests should be self contained, meaning include or install the packages that it needs to test the software.
  • Tests should run automatically and not require (such as passwords) or human intervention to get a successful test result.

If a tool is needed to perform a test and is not available in the Ubuntu archive, it can also be included in the tests/ directory, as long as the file which contains it is not executable. Note that build tools cannot be assumed to be available on the testing system.

Test automation

The charm tests will be run automatically, so all tests must not require user interaction. The test code must install or package the files required to test the charm. The test runner will find and execute each test within that directory and produce a report.

If tests exit with applications still in the model, the test runner may clean them up, whether by destroying the model or destroying the applications explicitly, and the machines may be terminated as well. For this reason tests should not make assumptions on machine or unit numbers or other factors in the model that could be reset. Any artifacts needed from the test machines should be retrieved and displayed before the test exits.

Exit codes

Upon exit, the test's exit code will be evaluated to mean the following:

  • 0: Test passed
  • 1: Failed test
  • 100: Test is skipped because of a timeout or incomplete setup

charm proof

The charm-tools package contains a static charm analysis tool called charm proof. This tool checks the charm structure and gives Informational, Warning, and Error messages on potential issues with the charm structure. To be in line with Charm Store policy, all charms should pass charm proof with Information messages only. Warning or Error messages indicate a problem in the charm and the automated tests will fail the on the charm proof step.

The Amulet Test Library

While you can write tests in Bash or other languages, the Amulet library makes it easy to write tests in Python and is recommended.

Executing Tests via BundleTester

The charm test runner is a tool called bundletester. The bundletester tool is used to find, fetch, and run tests on charms and bundles.

You should execute bundletester against a built charm. In order to test the vanilla charm that you built in Getting Started, you would do the following:

charm build
bundletester -t $JUJU_REPOSITORY/trusty/vanilla


The optional driver file, tests/tests.yaml can be used to to control the overall flow of how tests are run. All values in this file are optional and when not provided default values will be used.

Read the bundletester README.md file or more information on the options included in the tests.yaml file.

Example Tests

Initial test can install Amulet

Since the tests are run in lexical order, a common pattern is to use an executable file with a name that sorts first (00-setup for example), which installs Juju and the Amulet Python package if not already installed and any other packages required for testing.

# Check if amulet is installed before adding repository and updating apt-get.
dpkg -s amulet
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:juju/stable
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y amulet
# Install any additional python packages or testing software here.

Following tests can be written in Amulet

The remaining tests can now assume Amulet is installed and use the library to create tests for the charm.

You are free to write the tests in any style you want, but a common pattern is to use the "unittest" framework from Python to set up and deploy the charms. The other methods starting with "test" will be run afterward.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import amulet
import requests
import unittest

class TestDeployment(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.deployment = amulet.Deployment()


        except amulet.helpers.TimeoutError:
            amulet.raise_status(amulet.SKIP, msg="Environment wasn't stood up in time")
        cls.unit = cls.deployment.sentry.unit['charm-name/0']

# Test methods would go here.

if __name__ == '__main__':

Debugging Your Tests

If you're running tests with bundletester, debugging the tests themselves can be a little tricky. Setting breakpoints will simply make the test hang, as bundletester runs the tests in a separate process.

You can run the tests directly, however. Let's say that you named the test in the example above "01-deployment". You could run it like so:

build charm
cd $JUJU_REPOSITORY/trusty/vanilla
python3 tests/01-deployment

(Note that you'd need to run your setup script manually first, or run your modified test, with breakpoints, against an already deployed charm.)

The Deployment class in amulet also has a .log attribute, which can be useful for diagnosing problems after the tests have run. In the example tests above, you might invoke it with a line like the following:

    self.deployment.log.debug("Some debug message here.")

Unit testing a layered charm

Amulet is a mature tool for deploying and testing a charm in a test environment.

For layered charms, it is often desirable to be able to run some tests before the charm has been built, however. For example, you may wish to run unit tests as you write your code. Waiting for the charm to build so that amulet can run tests on it would introduce unnecessary delays into the unit testing cycle. What follows are some best practices for writing unit tests for a layered charm.

Create a separate tox ini file

You will usually want to create a second .ini file for tox, along with a separate requirements file, so that requirements for your unit tests don't clobber the requirements for Amulet tests. You might call this file tox_unit.ini, and put the following inside of it:

envlist = py34, py35
skip_missing_interpreters = True

commands = nosetests -v --nocapture tests/unit
deps =

setenv =

Put library functions into packaged Python libraries.

If you import objects from a Python module that exists in another layer, Python will raise an ImportError when you execute your unit tests. Building the charm will fix this ImportError, but will slow down your unit testing cycle.

Layer authors can help you get around this issue by putting their library functions in a Python library that can be built and installed via the usual Python package management tools. You can add the library to your unit testing requirements.

This isn't always practical, however. This brings us to the next step:

When importing modules from a layer, structure your imports so that you can monkey patch

Let's say that you want to use the very useful "options" object in the base layer. If you import it as follows, you will get an import error that it very hard to work around:

from charms.layer import options

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.options = options

If you instead import it like so, you can use libraries like Python's mock library to monkey patch the import out when you run your tests:

from charms import layer

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.options = layer.options

Here's an example of a test that uses the mock (note that we pass create=True -- this is important!):

    @mock.patch('mycharm.layer.options', create=True)
    def test_my_class(self, mock_options):

If your charm does not have a lib/charms/layer directory, you'll still wind up with an ImportError that can be hard to work around. In this case, we recommend creating that directory, and dropping a blank file called <your charm name>.py into it. This isn't ideal, but it will save you some trouble when writing your tests.

Testing with Juju-Matrix

juju-matrix is a new testing tool for charm authors. It doesn't completely replace the older methods of writing tests, but it eliminates the need to write a lot of boilerplate tests, and it is growing into a sophisticated tool that allows charm authors to validate that their software will operate will at scale, in ways that are difficult to do with the existing testing setup.

juju-matrix will run a basic deploy test for you, eliminating the need to write a custom deploy test for your bundle. It also works with conjure-up spells, so if you need to do custom things to get your bundle to deploy, you can specify those things in a spell, and rely on juju-matrix to validate that the spell successfully deploys.

For more complex tests, you can write custom juju-matrix plugins and tests. juju-matrix will also run an end_to_end test automatically if one exists (see below).


To install juju-matrix, simply run:

    sudo snap install --classic --edge juju-matrix

Running Tests

To run a juju-matrix test on a bundle:

  • Pull the bundle that you want to test to a local directory, either via charm pull, or by checking out a source tree.
  • From within the bundle directory, run
  • This will run a default suite of tests against your bundle, including that basic deploy test.

If you wish to test a conjure-up spell instead of a vanilla bundle, make sure that you have conjure up installed, then run juju-matrix from within a local checkout of the spell. juju-matrix will automatically detect that you are using a spell, and deploy it using conjure-up's headless mode.


By default, juju-matrix will also run a "chaos" test, which is similar in concept to Netflix's Chaos Monkey. juju-matrix will deploy the bundle, then perform various actions, such as adding units, removing machines, and simulating juju agent crashes. It will then check to see if the bundle remains in a healthy state.

If you specify and "end_to_end" test, juju-matrix will run its chaos while using the end_to_end test to generate traffic inside of your bundle.

Note that chaos will usually break simple bundles that have no provisions for offering "high availability". The wiki-simple bundle, for example, only has one database unit and one web server unit, so it will fail if either of these go down. Since these bundles are not necessarily wrong -- just not configured to be highly available -- juju-matrix will not generate a test failure if the chaos run leaves your bundle into a bad state.

If you do wish to verify that your bundle stays healthy in the face of chaos, you can add a "matrix" section to your tests.yaml, and include "ha: True" in that section. This marks your bundle as "high availability", and any failures during the chaos run will cause juju-matrix to exit with a non-zero exit code, indicating a test failure.

End-to-End testing with juju-matrix

If you have a test file named end_to_end in your bundle's tests directory, juju-matrix will automatically find it and run it, while executing chaos actions against your bundle. This is useful for testing how your bundle might behave while under load, and under adverse conditions.

Custom juju-matrix tests

You can also write custom juju-matrix tests. A juju-matrix test is simply a yaml file that specifies which juju-matrix "tasks" to run, when. There is a plugin system for writing your own custom tasks. Take a look at matrix.yaml in the juju-matrix source, and also at the .matrix files in the tests directory of the same for examples.

More information about writing custom tests and plugins can be found in the juju-matrix README.