Juju Metrics
× Caution! These older versions of Juju documentation are no longer maintained and are provided for reference only. See docs.jujucharms.com for the current, supported documentation.

Writing charms that collect metrics

Knowing an application's configuration isn’t enough to effectively operate and manage it. Consider that a well-designed application will have as few configurable parameters as possible. Operators will want to know more about the resources that your charm consumes and provides in their models -- resources such as:

  • Storage GiB used
  • Number of user accounts
  • Number of recently active users
  • Active database connections

Juju Metrics complete the operational picture with application observability; by modeling, sampling and collecting measurements of resources such as these. Juju collects application metrics at a cadence appropriate for taking a model-level assessment of application utilization and capacity planning.

There are many instrumentation and time-series data collection solutions supporting devops. Juju’s metrics complement these fine-grained, lower-level data sources with a model-level overview -- a starting point for deeper analysis.

Collecting metrics

Adding metrics to a charm is simple and straightforward with the reactive framework.

Add layer:metrics

Add layer:metrics to the charm’s layer.yaml. This layer provides the collect-metrics hook, and allows metric collection to be defined completely by metrics.yaml.

Add metrics.yaml

Declare the metrics to be collected in your charm's metrics.yaml. Example:

    type: gauge
    description: Number of users
    type: gauge
    description: Number of active tokens

Metric types

In Juju 2.0, only type: gauge fully supports operational use-cases. Other types are experimental in this release.

type: gauge

Gauge metrics are a snapshot value reading at a point in time, as a positive decimal number.

type: absolute

Absolute metrics track the quantity since the last measurement, as a positive decimal number. Future releases of Juju will track the cumulative aggregate of absolutes, providing a more useful indicator to operators.

Built-in metric juju-units

There is also a built-in metric, which has no type or description, named juju-units. When declared, this metric sends a "1" for each unit.

Metric commands

When charming with layer:metrics, add a command: attribute to each metric in metrics.yaml, containing a command line that measures the value when executed. layer:metrics will then execute this command in the collect-metrics hook for you automatically. Continuing with the example above:

    type: gauge
    description: Number of users
    command: scripts/count_users.py
    type: gauge
    description: Number of active tokens
    command: scripts/count_tokens.py

Commands can use any script or executable in your charm or installed elsewhere on the workload. The current working directory for this command will be the charm directory (charmhelpers.core.hookenv.charm_dir). The command must write only the metric value to standard output, and terminate with exit code 0 in order for the measurement to be to be counted valid.

Continuing with the metrics example above, a charm that relates to a PostgreSQL database probably stores its "users" and "tokens" in database tables. These can be counted with a simple SQL query. scripts/count_users.py in such a charm might read as:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Python packages will have been installed by the charm.
import configparser
import psycopg2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Read the application's configuration file, which will have been written
    # by the charm's relation hooks.
    with open('/opt/sso-auth/config.ini') as f:
        config_str = f.read()
    config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False)

    # Build a database connection string from configuration.
    dbname = config['database']['NAME']
    user = config['database']['USER']
    password = config['database']['PASSWD']
    hostport = config['database']['HOST']
    host, port = hostport.split(':')
    conn_str = 'dbname=%s user=%s password=%s host=%s port=%s' % (
        dbname, user, password, host, port)
    conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_str)
        cur = conn.cursor()
            # For sake of example, let's say we don't want to include the
            # default admin user account in the count.
            cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM users WHERE name != 'admin';")
            row, = cur.fetchone()
            print(row)  # Print the measurement to standard output, for Juju

Note that this command will not have access to the normal lifecycle hook environment. Refer to the collect-metrics documentation for more information.