Using and Creating Bundles
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Using and Creating Bundles

Charms are seldom deployed in isolation. Even MediaWiki needs to be connected to a database. Instead, charms are mostly used to model more complex deployments, potentially including many different applications and connections. A Bundle is an encapsulation of this model, or an atomic self-contained part of it. It may be as simple as MediaWiki and a database, or as complex as a full OpenStack cloud. But a bundle encapsulates all the charms and their relationships and enables you to install an entire working deployment just as easily as installing a single charm, whether that's from the Juju Charm Store or by importing a previously exported deployment yourself.

Adding bundles from the command line

Bundles are deployed on the command line exactly like Charms, and use the same deploy command and syntax:

juju deploy wiki-simple

To get a summary of the deployment steps (without actually deploying) a dry run can be performed:

juju deploy --dry-run wiki-simple

Sample output:

Located bundle "cs:bundle/wiki-simple-4"
Resolving charm: cs:trusty/mysql-55
Resolving charm: cs:trusty/mediawiki-5
Changes to deploy bundle:
- upload charm cs:mysql-55 for series trusty
- deploy application mysql on trusty using cs:mysql-55
- set annotations for mysql
- upload charm cs:trusty/mediawiki-5 for series trusty
- deploy application wiki on trusty using cs:trusty/mediawiki-5
- set annotations for wiki
- add relation wiki:db - mysql:db
- add unit mysql/0 to new machine 0
- add unit wiki/0 to new machine 1

Note: The dry-run option only works with bundles.

You can get the name of a bundle from the Juju Charm Store, just as you would a charm. Unlike charms, bundles embed more than a single application, and you can see icons representing each separate application alongside a bundle's name. This gives you a quick overview of a bundle's complexity and potential resource requirements.

Bundle resources in the Charm Store

To get a bundle's name, select a bundle on the store and find the 'command prompt' icon at the top of the pane. Alongside this will be a correctly formatted bundle command, including the correct Charm Store URL for the bundle, which you can also run to deploy your chosen bundle:

juju deploy cs:bundle/wiki-simple-4

Adding bundles with the GUI

Bundles are just as easy to use and deploy within the Juju GUI, and the process of adding them from the Charm Store is almost identical to the way you add charms.

From the GUI, open the Store and select the bundle you're interested in. A new pane will display a preview of what the GUI's visual overview will look like with the bundle installed, showing applications and connections. Further details, such as how a bundle supports scaling, can be found below the preview.

Click 'Add to model-name', where model-name is your currently selected model. This will simply add the bundle to your currently selected model.

Before clicking on 'Commit changes' to activate your new bundle, review the configuration of each application by selecting them and making any necessary changes. Click on 'Commit changes' to review the deployment summary followed by 'Deploy' to set those changes in motion. Alternatively, select each application and click 'Destroy' to remove them from bundle prior to activation.

Exporting and Importing bundles with the GUI

From the GUI, you can easily export and re-import the current model as a local bundle, encapsulating your applications and connections into a single file. To do this, click on the 'Export' button alongside your username and model name, or use the keyboard shortcut “shift-d”. This results in the creation of a file called <model-name>-<year>-<month>-<date>.yaml that your browser will typically prompt you to save or open.

Export button in the Juju GU

You can import a saved bundle by either dragging the exported YAML file onto your browser canvas, or using the 'Import' button. After clicking 'Import' your browser will prompt you to select a bundle file.

After a file has been added, the GUI will briefly report ChangeSet process started followed by ChangeSet import complete. As with adding bundles from the store, you may want to review the applications, connections and various configuration options before clicking on 'Commit changes' and 'Deploy' to activate your bundle.

Local deploy via command line

After exporting a bundle from the GUI, you can also deploy the saved bundle from the command line:

juju deploy bundle.yaml

Unlike when you import and deploy a bundle with the Juju GUI, running juju deploy on the command line will not attempt to rename a new application if an application with the same name already exists.

From the command line, you can also check for errors in a bundle before deploying it. Bundles downloaded from the Juju store need to be unzipped into their own directory, and your own YAML files will need to be accompanied by a text file (although this file can be empty for testing purposes). You can then check for possible errors with the following command:

charm proof directory-of-bundle/

Note that if no directory is given, the command defaults to the current directory.

If no errors are detected, there will be no output from charm proof and you can safely deploy your bundle.

Creating a bundle

A bundle is a set of applications with a specific configuration and their corresponding relations that can be deployed together in a single step. Instead of deploying a single application, they can be used to deploy an entire workload, with working relations and configuration. The use of bundles allows for easy repeatability and for sharing of complex, multi-application deployments.

As an example, here is a bundle file with a MySQL application and a WordPress application with a relation between the two:

series: xenial
description: "A simple WordPress deployment."
    charm: "cs:trusty/wordpress-5"
    num_units: 1
      "gui-x": "339.5"
      "gui-y": "-171"
      - "0"
    charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
    num_units: 1
      "gui-x": "79.5"
      "gui-y": "-142"
      - "1"
  - - "wordpress:db"
    - "mysql:db"
    series: trusty
    constraints: "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 cpu-power=100 mem=1740 root-disk=8192"
    series: trusty
    constraints: "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 cpu-power=100 mem=1740 root-disk=8192"

Setting constraints in a bundle

To make your bundle as reusable as possible, it's common to set minimum constraints against a charmed application, much like you would when deploying charms from the command line. This is a simple key addition to the application definition, using the proper constraint key/value pair as outlined in the 'constraints' documentation.

For example, to add memory and CPU constraints to a charm in a bundle, the bundle file would have an additional constraints field with specific values:

  charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
  num_units: 1
    "gui-x": "139"
    "gui-y": "168"

Setting charm configurations options in a bundle

When deploying an application, the charm you use will often support or even require specific configuration options to be set. These options can be set in a bundle as a simple key addition to the application definition, using the configuration key/value pair. See the documentation on application configuration to discover which options are available for the different charms.

For example, to set the flavor of the MySQL charm to Percona in a bundle, the bundle file would have an additional options field with specific value:

  charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
  num_units: 1
    flavor : percona
    "gui-x": "139"
    "gui-y": "168"

Values for options and annotations can also be read from a file. For binary files, such as binary certificates, there is an option to base64-encode the contents. A file location can be expressed with an absolute or relative (to the bundle file) path. For example:

        charm: some-charm
            config: include-file://my-config.yaml
            cert: include-base64://my-cert.crt

Overlay bundles

The --overlay option can be used when you want to use a standard bundle but keep model-specific configuration in a separate file. The overlay files constitute bundles in their own right. The "overlay bundle" can specify new applications, change values, and also specify the removal of an application in the base bundle.

An application is removed from the base bundle by defining the application name in the application section, but omitting any values. Removing an application also removes all the relations for that application.

If a machines section is specified in an overlay bundle it replaces the corresponding section of the base bundle. No merging of machine information is attempted. Multiple overlay bundles can be specified and they are processed in the order they appear on the command line.

For example:

juju deploy wiki-simple --overlay ~/model-a/wiki-simple.yaml

Bundle placement directives

You can co-locate applications using the placement directive key in the bundle. Much like application constraints, it requires adding the placement key to in the application definition. Where supported by the cloud provider, it is also possible to isolate charms by including the container format in the placement directive. Some clouds support LXD.

For example:

  charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
  num_units: 1
  - lxd:wordpress/0
    "gui-x": "139"
    "gui-y": "168"

which will install the MySQL application into an LXD container on the same machine as the wordpress/0 unit. You can check the output from juju status to see where each application has been deployed:

Unit         Workload  Agent       Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
mysql/0      waiting   allocating  0/lxd/0                         waiting for machine
wordpress/0  waiting   allocating  0           waiting for machine

Alternatively, to install the MySQL application into an LXD container on machine '1', use the following syntax:

  charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
  num_units: 1
  - lxd:1
    "gui-x": "139"
    "gui-y": "168"

Machine specifications in a bundle

Bundles may optionally include a machine specification, which allows you to set up specific machines and then to place units of your applications on those machines however you wish. A machine specification is a YAML object with named machines (integers are always used for names). These machines are objects with three possible fields: series, constraints, and annotations.

Note that the machine spec is optional. Leaving the machine spec out of your bundle tells Juju to place units on new machines if no placement directives are given.

With machines specified, you can place and co-locate applications onto specific machines using the placement key to in the application definition. For example:

  charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
  num_units: 1
    - "0
    "gui-x": "139"
    "gui-y": "168"
    series: trusty
    constraints: "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 cpu-power=100 mem=1740 root-disk=8192"

which will install the MySQL application on machine 0. You may also specify multiple machines for placing multiple units of an application. For example:

  charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
  num_units: 2
    - "0"
    - "1"
    "gui-x": "139"
    "gui-y": "168"
    series: trusty
    constraints: "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 cpu-power=100 mem=1740 root-disk=8192"
    series: trusty
    constraints: "arch=amd64 cpu-cores=4 cpu-power=500 mem=4096 root-disk=8192"

which will install one unit of the MySQL application on machine 0 and the other on machine 1.

The output from juju status will show this deployment as follows:

Unit         Workload  Agent       Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
mysql/0      waiting   allocating  0                               waiting for machine
mysql/1      waiting   allocating  1                               waiting for machine
wordpress/0  waiting   allocating  1                               waiting for machine

Recycling machines

To have a bundle use a model's existing machines, as opposed to creating new machines, the --map-machines=existing option is used. In addition, to specify particular machines for the mapping, comma-separated values of the form 'bundle-id=existing-id' can be passed where the bundle-id and the existing-id refer to top level machine IDs.

For example, consider a bundle whose YAML file is configured with machines 1, 2, 3, and 4, and a model containing machines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The following deployment would use existing machines 1 and 2 for bundle machines 1 and 2 but use existing machine 4 for bundle machine 3 and existing machine 5 for bundle machine 4:

juju deploy some-bundle --map-machines=existing,3=4,4=5

Binding endpoints within a bundle

You can configure more complex networks using spaces and deploy charms with binding, as described in Deploying to spaces. Bindings can also be specified for applications within a bundle. To do so, add a section to the bundle's YAML file called bindings. For example:

  charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
  num_units: 1
    shared-db: database
    cluster: internal

This is the equivalent of deploying with:

juju deploy cs:trusty/mysql-57 --bind "shared-db=database cluster=internal"

These bundles will need to be updated to be more specific about the bindings required, allowing the operator to specify exactly which charm-defined endpoints should end up in specific spaces.

The following deploy command connects charm endpoints to specific spaces and includes a default space, default-space, for any interfaces not specified:

juju deploy --bind "default-space db=db-space db-admin=admin-space" mysql

Using the binding section in the bundle's YAML file, the above deploy command can be mirrored in bundle format with the following:

  charm: "cs:trusty/mysql-57"
  num_units: 1
    "": default-space
    db: db-space
    db-admin: admin-space

It is not currently possible to declare a default space in the bundle for all application endpoints. The workaround is to list all endpoints explicitly.

Bundles and Charm Resources

Charms can define resources; bundles can be used to constrain those resources to specific revisions or to specify local paths to those resources. For example, the following charm's metadata.yaml file specifies a resource:

name: example-charm
summary: "example charm."
description: This is an example charm.
    type: file
    description: "This charm needs to operate"

If this charm were to be used as part of a bundle, it might be desirable to specify a revision that is specific to the bundle. Revisions are specified in the bundle's YAML file in the corresponding "applications" section.

   charm: "cs:example-charm"
   series: trusty
     example: 1

The example-charm charm specifies that it requires a resource called example to operate; the bundle's "applications" section shown above specifies that its bundle requires, from the charm store, revision 1 of that resource.

The resources section can also specify a local path to a resource:

   charm: "cs:example-charm"
   series: trusty
     example: "./"

Local paths to resources can be useful in network restricted environments where a Juju controller can not contact the charm store, for example.

Sharing your Bundle with the Community

After you have tested and deployed your bundle you need to release it to share it with people, this is covered in the charm store documentation.

Someone will come along and review your bundle for inclusion. If you need to speak to a human, there are patch pilots in the Juju IRC channel (#juju on Freenode) who can assist. You can also use the Juju mailing list.

Note: Make sure you've added a brief explanation of what your bundle does within the description field of your bundle's YAML file.