Implicit relations
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Implicit relations

Implicit relations allow for interested applications to gather lifecycle-oriented events and data about other applications without expecting or requiring any modifications on the part of the author of the other application's charm.

Implicit relationships are named in the reserved juju-* namespace. Both the relation name and interface names provided by Juju are prefixed with juju-. Charms attempting to provide new relationships in this namespace will trigger an error.

Juju currently provides one implicit relationship to all deployed applications:

juju-info, if specified would look like:

    interface: juju-info

The charm author should not declare the juju-info relation and is provided here only as an example. The juju-info relation is implicitly provided by all charms, and enables the requiring unit to obtain basic details about the related-to unit. The following settings will be implicitly provided by the remote unit in a relation through its juju-info relation


Relationship resolution

rsyslog-forwarder is a subordinate charm and requires a valid scope: container relationship in order to deploy. It can take advantage of optional support from the principal charm but in the event that the principal charm doesn't provide this support it will still require a scope: container relationship. In this event the logging charm author can take advantage of the implicit relationship offered by all charms, juju-info.

      interface: logging-directory
      scope: container
      interface: juju-info
      scope: container

The admin then issues the following

juju add-relation wordpress rsyslog-forwarder

If the wordpress charm author doesn't define the logging-directory interface, Juju will use the less-specific (in the sense that it likely provides less information) juju-info interface. Juju always attempts to match user provided relations outside the juju-* namespace before looking for possible relationship matches in the juju-* namespace.