Components of a charm
× Caution! These older versions of Juju documentation are no longer maintained and are provided for reference only. See for the current, supported documentation.

What makes a Charm?

Each charm is a structured bundle of files. Conceptually, charms are composed of metadata, configuration data, and hooks with some extra support files.

Required files

A charm requires only a single file in order to be considered valid by juju:

Of course, a charm which consists solely of metadata may be valid, but it can't actually do anything. For that, some additional files will be required.

Special files

The following files will be treated specially, if present:

  • /hooks must be a directory holding executables with specific names, that will be invoked by juju at the relevant times. A charm needs to implement at least one hook in order to do anything at all. How to implement hooks is covered more thoroughly in the Hooks section
  • /actions must be a directory holding executables with specific names, which the user may invoke through Juju as desired. Adding actions to a charm is described here.
  • /tests is an optional directory containing scripts which will be executed in order to ensure that the service works properly. Every executable file on this directory will be executed by juju test and the Continous Interation (CI) tools. See more on charm tests.
  • actions.yaml specifies charm actions and their schemas, and must be defined if /actions is used. See here for more on creating charm actions.
  • config.yaml defines service configuration options. The config.yaml file is descibed more fully here.
  • icon.svg is used to identify your charm in the GUI and in the charm store. See the walkthrough for creating an icon.
  • README is made available in the charm store. It should be comprehensible to a reasonably ignorant user.
  • revision is now deprecated.
  • files matching .juju* should not be used.

Other files

Any other files you know you'll need can be placed in the charm for convenience. It is recommended to leave the hooks directory for the executable hooks alone - library code may be included elsewhere in the charm.

When hooks are actually running, they can read and write to the charm directory freely, but should carefully observe the caveats in the next section...

Charm files at runtime

The files you store with your charm should not be used directly by the software installed by your charm. If the files are really needed by the software at runtime, copy them on the system alongside the software and reference those instead.

This is because the software does not have control over the charm directory; juju has control over the charm directory, which it temporarily cedes to the charm only when running a hook. Juju will occasionally do things to the contents of that directory that assume it is neither read nor written outside a hook, and the results of such interactions can only be undefined.

The only files you should be writing into the charm directory should be written by hooks and accessed only by hooks. If everything in your charm directory went away, that should be considered a management failure only; the software installed should continue to run, using its last known good configuration, and should do this by virtue of never having had the opportunity to observe the change.

Finally, any file written at runtime constrains all future implementations of the charm. When upgrading a charm, any change that would cause runtime state to be overwritten will cause juju to abort the operation and hand over to the user for resolution. This is inconvenient for the users and undermines confidence in the charm.

Note: You need to be especially aware of the following when writing python code: Python packages run without bytecode suppression will write .pyc files into the package, and subsequent attempts to move or remove the package will fail: the .pyc files are treated as important hook-relevant runtime state information, to be recorded and tracked, and the loss of their directory will put the unit into an upgrade error state as referenced above.